About The Quarry

Natre Capital LLC &

Georgia Stone Products in Adairsville

has proposed to develop 715-acre construction aggregate limestone quarry. The proposed site borders farms, historic Mosteller Mill, and other residential properties located 2.5 miles east of I-75 on HWY 140 and south of SR 140.

The proposed site starts where the Vulcan plant ends. GSP has requested over 700 acres of land currently zoned A-1 to be rezoned to M-1(mining).

Location of Proposed Site

Below is a map of the land currently owned by Natre Capital LLC that is pending for M-1 rezone. Any property within a five-mile radius is at risk of being effected by the quarry’s activity.


What is A-1 Zoning?

“The A-1 agriculture district is established primarily to encourage the retention and development of suitable areas for common farm/agricultural practices and various compatible non-farm uses, preservation of open space, the conservation and management of soil, water, air, game and other natural resources and amenities, and to discourage the creation or continuation of conditions which could detract from the function, operation, and appearance of areas to provide food supplies and to prevent or minimize conflicts between common farm practices and non-farm uses. the A-1 district is also a residential district.”

- Code of Ordinances, Article IIV, Sec 7.1 - A-1